onsdag 21 april 2010

I wish I could draw like Adam Hughes..

modern day pinups.

Love his style!

Have been uber marathoning Numb3rs.. I don't know what it is with that show. I don't like those kind of shows normally but Numb3rs just got too me. so smart and just damn good!
Other things I'm excited about are the new Solomon Kane Movie.. I can not tell how much I L O V E Robert E. Howard and his stories.. that's why I'm also looking forward to the new Conan movie!

The Light is a new Comic Book from Image comics that I'm Also really excited about. the cover is quite stunning!
It's about a virus outbrek in Oregon and it affects people when they look into a light.. is said to be a mix between 30 days of night and 28 days later, and that could never be bad!
Now it's time for some vacuuming.

lördag 17 april 2010

Yesterday I watched Alfred Hitchcock's Rope for the 50th time. I love watching it with people who hasn't seen it but love oldies.. Couldn't imagine a person saying afterwards that they didn't like it! maybe they wouldn't dare.. =l
A friend of mine has been on tour in the US for the last 9 weeks.. that is a looong time. He got back a couple of days ago and he visited me today, real fun!
He had during the tour stayed with a bandmembers parents and the dad was a totally geek and comic book nerd and my friend told him about me, showed him my tattoos and my drawings and he was totally impressed haha! And he gave me (through my friend) a bunch of comic books which I got today, so I was reall excited and soo happy!
Real cool dad :)

Cut my hair yesterday and it was probably 2 thirds of my length.. had such long hair and now it's quite short..but I love it!