söndag 30 maj 2010

Dreams of a Nerd

My first drawing of my Heroes is done, I started with my Sci-Fi Heroes and I included from left to right: Kevin Flynn, Spock, Darth Vader, Rod Serling, G'kar, Admiral Adama, Londo Mollari, Malcolm Reynolds, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Roy Batty, Alien.
Sitting: Paul Atreides, James T. Kirk and No 6.
Man o man. What a dream group date!

lördag 29 maj 2010


Rory, How can an artist have such an impact on me..
I have honestly not listen to anything else but his music for the past months. I am practically in love with him.
And of course he died lilke 40 years before his time.
His Voice, his lyrics, his passion, his guitar playing and most of all his music.

So top 10 fav songs of Rory Gallagher

  • Rue The Day
  • The Cuckoo
  • Barley and the Grape Rag
  • Bullfrog Blues
  • Moonchild
  • Tattoo'd Lady
  • Cradle Rock
  • Goin' to my Hometown
  • Lonesome Highway Refraining
  • Loanshark Blues

Well if you haven't heard these songs..well to bad for you!

Yesterday was by far one of the best nights out, Zelda me and Ricke spent the night at Stoffes with Tommy, Axel and Henry. We played the Beer-game. And I had 2 non alcoholic beers! I have my enitre life HATED beers but it was quite ok, still it's so hard to swallow it's unbelievable! But maybe that's because I have never in my entire life drunk a whole beer :)

Started drawing a picture of me with my Heroes, i'm gonna make it into 4 different drawings:

Me with my SciFi Heroes

Me with my Actor Heroes

Me with my Musical Heroes

And me and my Comic Book Heroes

Starting with my Sci Fi heroes..gonna include, Spock, Kirk, Rod Serling, Malcolm Reynolds, Cpt Adama, Fox and Dana and maybe a couple more.

Started rewatching Curb Your Enthusiasm again. That Seinfeld and Arrested Development is the best comedy shows EVER and I have probably seen every episode like 15 times each. The absolut best to draw to!

Skepp Ohoj!

måndag 3 maj 2010

My journey from Mint to Marzipan

Oh my I want to tell you all about my jorney from a lifetime of hating Marsipan to loving it. And it all happened in a few weeks.

OK. I have since I was a kid, L O V E D all kinds of mint candy, my big favorites are
After Eight (ofc) and Junior Mints.
That we don't have in Sweden. So After 8 has always been my big love. But, It's very expensive so when I found That Ritter had a chocolate bar that was dark
chocolate and mint I was in heaven! I bought like one bar a day.
Then the store that's closest to me stopped having it! I was devestated, I just want to add to this story that I am a VERY picky eater so when I find something I like I eat that and ONLY that, forever. So my choclate needs were have to be filled. So the only chocolate bar I found I could eat (adding to the boundries of what I can and will eat, I'm allergic to milk so dark chocolate is the only thing I can eat.) war Ritter Marzipan.. And I HATE Marzipan, since I was a kid. never ate it after that.
So, now I was at home with this stupid Marzipan chocolate and I ate it, At first I was like...yuuck! but after a couple of pieces (yes, I continued) I was surprised it wasn't more diguisting.
So I started buing that one since my minty one was M.I.A.
And all of a sudden I found in a different store the minty ones! BUT...at that time I was more desire for the marzipan Ritter.. So I was hooked.
And then...one day in april. My store stopped selling that one TOO!
and again I was lost.. and since I don't like anything and can't eat anything but I needed Something, and marzipan was on my mind..I searched. And found, since easter was just over, easter candy on sale.. and there I saw them.. Anthon Bergs Marzipan Eggs. I was like YUCK. I have always hated marxipan eggs..but my craving told me different and I bought them. I got home.. I talked to my roomie who Also hates marzipan so she understood my confusion about theese new feelings about it.
I started on an egg...And... I ... was... in...heaven! amongst the most satisfactory piece of candy I have ever tasted.
So now.. I have a new love. Marzipan.
The ironic thing about this journey is that Anthon Berg is amongst the most expensive chocolate in a store.. so I'm actually spending more money on these wonderful eggs than I ever did on After Eight.
True Story!