OK. I have since I was a kid, L O V E D all kinds of mint candy, my big favorites are
After Eight (ofc) and Junior Mints.
That we don't have in Sweden. So After 8 has always been my big love. But, It's very expensive so when I found That Ritter had a chocolate bar that was dark
chocolate and mint I was in heaven! I bought like one bar a day.

So, now I was at home with this stupid Marzipan chocolate and I ate it, At first I was like...yuuck! but after a couple of pieces (yes, I continued) I was surprised it wasn't more diguisting.
So I started buing that one since my minty one was M.I.A.

And then...one day in april. My store stopped selling that one TOO!
and again I was lost.. and since I don't like anything and can't eat anything but I needed Something, and marzipan was on my mind..I searched. And found, since easter was just over, easter candy on sale.. and there I saw them.. Anthon Bergs Marzipan Eggs. I was like YUCK. I have always hated marxipan eggs..but my craving told me different and I bought them. I got home.. I talked to my roomie who Also hates marzipan so she understood my confusion about theese new feelings about it.
I started on an egg...And... I ... was...

So now.. I have a new love. Marzipan.
The ironic thing about this journey is that Anthon Berg is amongst the most expensive chocolate in a store.. so I'm actually spending more money on these wonderful eggs than I ever did on After Eight.
True Story!
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