måndag 28 juni 2010


hej hej hallå.. that's how my moms ring tone sounds like, it's from that really catchy song from Swedish rapper Timbuktu. yeah, an important piece of information.

It's 7:15 here in Tranås, Sweden and I have never had a worse night, the sun got up at 4 and I slept in a room with ALL windoes so I couldn't escape it even though I built a wall of pillows around my face. The heat was excrutiating.
Well so I though, couldn't be a better morning to update my blog which has stand still for a while, almost forgot it!

My thoughts about start studying and moving from Sweden has been on my mind alot lately, cannot wait! that's how it feels, even though I'm moving from my best friend and roommate, my amazing dog, my mom whith whom I speak every day and my other friends I've been getting used to hang out with every day..sucks. but at the same time, I couldn't take another year not doing what I've been waiting for since I was about 20, 5 frakkin years! I've been wanting to study and specially in another country for as long as I have known you could. USA has always been no 1 in my interest book but the last few years London has stepped up it's game, close to home, a close friend lives there, starbucks on every corner, comic book shops and great vegan food. So my mind is set and soo happy about it! if I went with my intially plan to go to New York or Los Angeles I could go home what..? once, twice a year? now I'm 2 hors and a cheapish ticket with ryanair from home and that sounds just right.

tisdag 15 juni 2010


have since I was a kid loved to read fantasy books, Eddings was my first love and then from there it just took on, Goodkind, Brooks, Tolkien, Gaiman, Pratchett, Zelazny and so on and so forth.
A fantasy series I've known about but never read is the one Nick Perumov wrote, Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword is the first one I'm starting at.

Tomorrow we head for Gothenburg, the festival West Coast Riot takes place on thursday, and I couldn't be more excited!
Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys And Bad Religion! man o man..

måndag 7 juni 2010

Start Privat

What an awesome weekens and week for that matter, Wii-war has begun between me and a couple of friends.
I am a baaaaaad loser. I know that.
Now I'm waiting for my friend Kristin, she lives in London and this spring I'm gonna apply to the same university as her! I'm sooo excited, Have been wanting to move to another country and start to study for 5 years. Just when my back-problem started for real. But now after 5 surgeries there's nothing more they can do so I just have live with this. And I'm fine with it, just happy to be able to study finally!
Well i just learned how to make vegan Danishs' so that's what Im gonna treat my guests to today :)