onsdag 31 mars 2010

Alfred Joseph

Everyone who knows me.. Knows I love comic books, books, Science Fiction and old movies.
And everyone who knows me knows that one of my biggest loves in life are the movies of Alfred HItchcock.
I was thinking I wanted to do a top 5 favorite Hitchcock Movies list but then when I started google their cover pictures I realised I couldn't. It was for me virtually impossible to choose 5 movies out of the infinity of great movies he's made.. so I couldn't do anything else but to make a top 10. (and even that was hard let me tell you..)
So starting at no 10 and working my way up to my all time favorite Hitchcock and one of favorite movie all around too.

10. Stage Fright
09. Shadow of a Doubt

08. I confess
07. Psycho

06. Dial M for Murder
05. Rear Window

04.North By Northwest
03.Strangers on a Train

02. Rebecca
01. Rope

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