onsdag 28 juli 2010


To see the world in a grain of sand.. That's how my favorite William Blake Poem starts. William Blake has from the very beginning captured me, both his poems and his artwork. The first thing I ever read of him was Tyger, tyger, Which is according to me his most famous work.

Tyger Tyger, burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry?

I have been on the hunt for a complete collection of both his poems and artwork but it is easier said than done.
Blake was not very popular in his time, he criticized the Church and he was against enforced chastity and loveless marriages. He preached "free love" and he defended the right of self-fulfillment for women. He was according to some a forerunner of modern anarchism, so is his fellow English man Willam Godwin. Godwin is an author that recently caught my eye. He wrote a book in 1794 called "Things as they are; or The adventures of Caleb Williams" that I have just ordered and I am dying to read it! Godwin had just as Blake a controversial view on things, he is considered the first proponent of anarchism and was married to the famous feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. And is of course the father or Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft.

Other than my obsession of political English authors and poets I have 3 new ink-additions on my body. I have finally got an Favorite-author-tattoo! An Owl Sitting on a pile of six books and reading a seventh.
It was a real nuisance of picking out only seven.. But my final list was
Robert E. Howard
George Orwell
Howard P. Lovecraft
Robert Louis Stevenson
Oscar Wilde
Edgar Allen Ppoe
Arthur Conan Doyle

I had three more I sooo wanted on my pile, Bram Stoker, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Philip K. Dick
but the good thing there is room to pile some more books in the future.
in two weeks I'm getting Swamp Thing...woh! Always wanted that too.
The reason why I didn't get William Blake a spot in my book pile is that he is a poet and I want someday a whole poem of his tattooed in somewhere. And if I started with one poet I want all my favorite poets, Byron, Yeats, Kipling, Moore..and the list is endless.

To see a world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.

That's what I want

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