tisdag 28 september 2010

A Day May Sink or Save a Realm

Otto Preminger. A genius film maker, and I don't think any of my friends know who this is.

So my top 3 of favorite Preminger films.

Angel Face, 1952

Robert Mitchum.. My no 1 fav actor of all time. Ever since I saw my first Mitchum movie

Out of the Past I have adored everything with him. there's No one that can capture every part so perfect as him, no one who can make it seems so effortless and no one that can keep me that spellbound. And he is no different in this movie.. A poor man gets drawn in to a rich family by the spoiled daughter that does everything to get what she wants. And when he starts to realise this and tries to get out, things happen.

Oh my what an ENDING.. I was blown away. let me tell you! Noir in its best sense.

Laura, 1944

I saw this movie a long time ago and still I remember what a feeling I got afterwards. One of these movies you just can't get out of your head after you've seen it. Have Gene Tiernys biography and apparently she was very troubled and sometimes that unfortunately makes some acting more real or the suffering or pain feels more real. That she is really good at. The best actors were often troubled or had pain in the private life.

Anatomy of a murder, 1959

James maddafacka Stewart, yes. what a hero. He is one of the most famous actors of all time but still None of my friends or 2 I know for sure knows who he is and seen a movie he's starred in. He is one of the best for a reason. In this movie he plays a small town lawyer who gets to defend a man who presumably has raped his wife and killed her lover. But after no sign of rape and questionable statements from the wife Stewart tries to find a witness that can save the man. A great movie, you can really sense the matuarity in the movie and the fact that it's made in the late fifties. For me that's the biggest difference between movies in the 40's and early 50's to movies in the middle of the 50's to early 60's. The mood, the music, the filming and the enviroment. and even the acting. more mature, more serious and darker.. love it.

söndag 26 september 2010

The sea has nothing to give but a well-excavated grave

T minus 9 days. Then off to the promise land!
New developments on the guests to the New York Comic Con, Bruce Campbell the biggest of course.
But Tricia Helfer who plays No 6 on Battlestar galactica will be there and that's gonna be...awesome. But even more so that Starbuck will be there! gah times 3!
Battlestar Galactica is bY far one of the best series of all time. period.

Have a month and a half left in this apartment.. and after that I'll be homeless. I'm gonna miss having a room with all my stuff, love looking at them and just being by myself and just be.. that's gonna change. f.

at least I have the written words that are always such a great comfort to me.
shit.. that sounded like I was referring to the bible.. but I can assure you I was not.

onsdag 15 september 2010

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

I have decided.. in order to feel better and NOT to think about all the time I'm just going to decide for myself how it's going to be. And even though I wish for something else I can't wait for something I'm not sure I'll ever get.. So I'm taking the hard road of..letting go. feels right in a way.. heartbreaking, but still in a strange way the only way.

Reading Orwells MASTERPIECE 1984 again and it is..(if possible) even more brilliant the second time.

going to bed, going to read some poetry from Lord Byron. yes I know I am probably the only one who does that in my age, and yes I know people thinks that is really dorky.
But I think that if you don't like, or understand or want to read the magic Byron, Yeats, More, Kipling, Blake and all my other favorites write.. well then.. well then I'm confused.
Sometimes I can feel so alone in what I like.

fredag 3 september 2010

thirtyfour days left

thirtyfour days left to my favorite traveling destination. New York New York.
The only reason I chose 5th to 12th october is because of the New York Comic Con, which happens to be the biggest coolest thing I'v ever been to.
More and more fantastic guests are revealed, latest Bruce motherfucking Campbell! Feels like after that I can die happy.
But as comic book guest BIG stars are coming, Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, The Kubert Family, Adam Hughes, Mcniven, Brian M Bendis, Jeph loeb, George Perez and Ben Templesmith and lots more.. my oh my.
AND and.. as if that's not enough.. Katee Sackhoff from my no 2 favorite scifi series Battlestar Galactica! Can't wait..

Other than that I'm going with my two dear friends Zelda and Ricke and it's gonna be amazing.
This will be my fifth time to New York and I have a list on things we have to do cause for some reason I haven't already.
.Go to Boston (have to see the birthplace of Edgar Allan Poe)
.take a boatride around manhattan
.go to Liberty/Ellis Island

BTW. I was almost fucking jumped by 3 guys just now, man o man. never been that close. I turned around in the nick of time. Can't even walk my dog at night anymore