tisdag 9 februari 2010


Yeah It's gonna be a real cool movie.
So is The Losers. Only thing is I hate when cool comic books gets adapted to a movie is that it becomes the superhype of the year.
I am listening tireless to Rory Gallagher, he is a true artist. what a voice what a guitar player what a song writer. he's got it all. And he had to die 30 years before his time..
My dog Batman is the greatest animal alive. she has the biggest personality since Malcolm Reynolds. She is a street dog from Malaga, Spain and didn't wave her tail for the first 6 months after I brought her to Sweden. She didn't look anyone in the eyes and she hid under the bed everytime someone raised their voice. Now 4 years later she is the apple of my eye and my trustworthy sidekick. She has learned to how to bark (since she grew up on the street she hung out with cats and never learned dog-skills I guess) She has also learned how to play, just like a cat btw, chasing strings, sneaky jumps on my hands and she sleeps all the time, also like a cat :)
I can't say I have ever met a cooler and funnier or more loyal dog than her.. sure I'm being partial cause she's my dog but still I have heard alot of people say the same thing. My best male friends' mum never liked dogs and didn't allow any animals in their house but now she has her sleeping in their bed. she says the only dog I could see myself with. So yes, I'm proud to be the mum of Batman!

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