söndag 28 februari 2010

top 5

I love to make lists, fav books, bands, songs, movies, comic books and so on.
So now I'm gonna make my top 5 movies from the 1930's

Modern Times, Dir. Charlie Chaplin (1936)

The absolut best Chaplin movie, a beautiful love saga between the blind flower girl and the tramp. He falls inlove with her and tries to help the poor girl and her family, through his rich new friend. I remember the first time I saw it and I was b l o w n away. such a beautiful story.

It Happened One Night, Dir. Frank Capra (1934)

One of the best directors of all time, if I ever feel down or sad or sick, his movies are perfect.. love all his movies. This one is my favorite Capra and it was through this movie I discovered Claudette Colbert. And Clark Gable is as always amazing and this part is no different. He playes an ambitious reporter that by mistake discovers a young socialite woman who's run away from her family who has just pulled her away from a marriage to a young aviator. She's gets on a greyhound bus to hide from Reporters who's looking for a scoop and her father's people who is trying to avoid it. On the bus she meets Clark Gable and he sees a potential goldmine in getting the exclusive story aboout her adventure back to her new husband, she agrees to it in return that he helps her stay hidden. But of course Clark Gables' character falls for her and... yeah well. It's a wonderful love story.

The Thin Man, W.S. Van Dyke (1934)
The first time I saw this movie I laughed sooo hard, William Powell and Myrna Loy are so perfect as the famous hard drinking Private Detective Nick and his wife Nora. Based upon the famous books by the noir writing genius Dashiell Hammet (who also wrote The Maltese Falcon) you know a great mystery is a given. After 4 years away from the job Nick and Nora arrives in New York with their dog Asta and practically stumbles in to mysteries and murder. I just love these Thin Man movies, really. Few of the funnies movies I know! The book too are really entertaining. Simply, an all around feel good movie.

Bringing up Baby, Dir. Howard Hawks (1938)

A great sceewball comedy with the one of the best actresses of all time, Katherine Hepburn and the always great Cary Grant. Grant plays a paleontologist who desperately wants a bone to the collection at the museum where he works and Hepburn plays Susan , an heiress trying to get his attention by forcing him to help her with a cougar called 'baby'. It is such a lovely movie, Grant plays the sweetest guy and I too fall in love with during the movie.

Gone With the Wind, Dir. Victor Fleming (1939)
This next film is essential for my list, it was my absolut first fav movie when I was a kid.
I remember I was about ten or eleven years old and I had already seen it 3-4 times and I was to obssessed to own this movie on VHS (which was the only alternative in 1994) and we were a poor family so us children never just got everything we wanted, but one day I found a coupon in a magazine to buy Gone with the wind for 59 Skr (7-8 dollars) and I was SO unbelievable happy because that was about half what I got in allwowance a month. So I kept that coupon in my wallet for such a long time and finally I could buy it. Old movies have always been my favorites.. when I was nine and I first saw Wizard of OZ and Gone With the wind and now, when I'm 25 it's still 90% of all the movies I see are old classic ones. So I guess that's my Forte.
And yeah, about the movie! It is such a great story, I never read the book but someday I will, I'm really faccinated about the American civil war. It's just one of these movies I will never forget and will always love. A true classic.

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