söndag 14 februari 2010


Valentines day is a stupid holiday, it's even stupid if you have someone to share it with. It's not romantic it's just fun for girls who loves roses and teddy bears and I h a t e that cliché romantic stuf.. give me some merch with Battlestar Galactica or something instead and maybe I'll reconsider the value of valentines day.
Wouldn't it be cooler if it was a Pancake-day or a Jean Luc Picard-day? I would SO celebrate those days.

Today me and my roomate were having a Supernatural-marathon. Started watching it from the beginning yesterday and it's really good!
Now I'm almost ready for bed, have been drawing and watching some Twilight Zone and trying NOT to think about my operation in 3 days...hmm. BUt after thursday I will be a FOR real, CYBORG! That's the only cool thing about my stupid fifth back surgery.

This is what I drew today, my version of my favorite painting, The Old Man and the Sea.

Now I'm gonna read some Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

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