This one is one of my all time favourite adventure movies.
torsdag 2 december 2010
This one is one of my all time favourite adventure movies.
tisdag 30 november 2010
lördag 20 november 2010
Carrion Death
thirtieth of january. After that I will, (Hopefully) not return to Sweden until 2014.
things to do before London arrives.
-Talk to my doctor about my pacemaker.
-Get the unemploymentoffice just to accept that I want to get out and study, EVEN though I have an injury.
-Get a place to stay so i don't have to lean on my friends.
-SAVE more and more and more money.
-fix so my phone becomes mine so I can get an English phone card.
-And.. Say goodbye to my friends.
The latter will be hard, specially with my best friend. don't know wehere to turn when I'm gonna need to talk.
My phone bill will go through the roof.
sO, ticket bought..Stockholm - London, January 30th. 74 SEK. roughly 10 dollars. love to fly in europe.
lördag 13 november 2010
fredag 5 november 2010
The Four of Us are Dying
tisdag 2 november 2010
A Four Dollar Room
I had long orange hair and some called me a pumpkin,
I only watched movies from the 40's and 50's and adored the old movie stars,
I dreamt of living in the Jane Austens romantic Victorian era in England, and loved books and series about that time
I collected comic books and read everything I could find,
I ate pancakes like others eat bread,
I listened exclusivly to Irish music and I knew that I would one day live and die in Ireland,
I discovered Terry Pratchetts magical world and was thrown in to fantasy literature,
I played chess in my chess club and was bullied for it,
I only hung out with nerds and we spent every weekend with Goldeneye, Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart,
I loved Sci-Fi movies and series and space was the most amazing place,
I cried everytime I saw an old man in a beard having trouble or was sad,
I Loved my grandmother Naima like a mother,
I knew that I one day would live abroad and have the time of my life.
Not much has changed, I have always known who I am.
söndag 24 oktober 2010
unless soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing for every tatter in its mortal dress
He is so right. as always.
That's how I think now.. when everything feels like it's changing.. changing from something that was good.
For the first time in a long time I had routine and a steady home. Then came that time I have been waiting for so long with my back injury, closure. Even though I still have pain I finally got.."there's nothing more we can do" and in some way that's what I've been waiting for. To accept my life as it is, and move on. Then I realised.. I can finally study! And even though I'm only 25 and young still.. I want to study what love and learn things. Been wanting that for five years. I want to get an education and look for work in something that I really love and want to work with. Books.
So to move to the city I want to study literature is the only thing I want to do.. but that doesn't change the fact that I will miss the hell out of my friends.. my mom.. my dog. But London.. a 2 hour plane ride. So it's ok.
But.. if I don't get in to the schools I have applied for I have to look for something else and it's gonna be similar to what I'm planning now so it is what I want to do and I can see my future over there. But right now I wanna stop time so I can enjoy my friends and apartment as long as possible. But at the same time I can't wait to leave.
It's going to be the time of my life.
lördag 23 oktober 2010

By far.. BY FAR my favorite actor of ALL TIME. ever since I first saw him in a movie he has bewitched me. I have read his biography and he was a classic bad boy :) of course..
he got arrested, had numerous affairs, smoked pot, drank and got into fist fights.
But everything he does on screen is Pure Magic. And everyone who has seen him in something and knows film, knows this. My favorite movies with him are, Night of the Hunter, Cape Fear and Out of the past. One of the few actors that could make a really bad movie worth seeing. According to his biography he never rehersed before shooting, he always drank before but the second the cameras started rolling he always got everything PERFECT. almost never needed a second take, That is how great he was. For me he is almost like a genius, I believe everything he acted, And he takes it even further.. he had such charisma and he really spellbound me when I watch his movies, and that is really rare.

As the man over him, he is by far one of the coolest actors ever lived. And also like Mitchum he made me believe everything he acted in. Everyone remembers his as Quint in Jaws, and so do I. BUT for me he is just as much Doyle Lonnegan in The Sting, which happens to be one of my favorite movies as well.
His eyes is for me his biggest assets, he can portray so much through them and really keep you locked on him. ( me anyway ) When I find an actor I really love like him and Mitchum I always want to read their biographies. But I have looked everywhere and have not found anything about my awesome Shaw, So one of my dreams.. if I ever get that good at writing, is to write a big updated biography about him. He deserves it so much more than a lot of people who has their own books out there. He died when he was only 51. way too young.. he had without a doubt So much more brilliance on film to give.

This man I discovered a few years ago in a Hitchcock movie called Strangers on a train. He played the villain and a psychopath and he played it so good that I don't think that anyone who has ever seen it will ever forget him. I wont anyway.. He was like Mitchum a drinker but he wasn't a bad boy.. he was more troubled and drank for that reason. His wife, another actress left him for a hot shot ultra famous producer and that broke him. He was, like James Dean and Motgomery Clift, meant to do so much more amazing acting before his untimely death.. because you can tell, just like the fellows over him here, that he was so much more than just an actor. He was an artist in it's full sense..he could just as the other two Roberts spellbound just about anyone in his acting. He was 32 years old when he, drunk took some medicine to calm himself down from an agitated state, and then suffered from a allergic reaction and died. Too young, too soon.
tisdag 28 september 2010
A Day May Sink or Save a Realm
So my top 3 of favorite Preminger films.
Laura, 1944
I saw this movie a long time ago and still I remember what a feeling I got afterwards. One of these movies you just can't get out of your head after you've seen it. Have Gene Tiernys biography and apparently she was very troubled and sometimes that unfortunately makes some acting more real or the suffering or pain feels more real. That she is really good at. The best actors were often troubled or had pain in the private life.
James maddafacka Stewart, yes. what a hero. He is one of the most famous actors of all time but still None of my friends or 2 I know for sure knows who he is and seen a movie he's starred in. He is one of the best for a reason. In this movie he plays a small town lawyer who gets to defend a man who presumably has raped his wife and killed her lover. But after no sign of rape and questionable statements from the wife Stewart tries to find a witness that can save the man. A great movie, you can really sense the matuarity in the movie and the fact that it's made in the late fifties. For me that's the biggest difference between movies in the 40's and early 50's to movies in the middle of the 50's to early 60's. The mood, the music, the filming and the enviroment. and even the acting. more mature, more serious and darker.. love it.
söndag 26 september 2010
The sea has nothing to give but a well-excavated grave
New developments on the guests to the New York Comic Con, Bruce Campbell the biggest of course.
But Tricia Helfer who plays No 6 on Battlestar galactica will be there and that's gonna be...awesome. But even more so that Starbuck will be there! gah times 3!
Battlestar Galactica is bY far one of the best series of all time. period.
Have a month and a half left in this apartment.. and after that I'll be homeless. I'm gonna miss having a room with all my stuff, love looking at them and just being by myself and just be.. that's gonna change. f.
at least I have the written words that are always such a great comfort to me.
shit.. that sounded like I was referring to the bible.. but I can assure you I was not.
onsdag 15 september 2010
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
Reading Orwells MASTERPIECE 1984 again and it is..(if possible) even more brilliant the second time.
going to bed, going to read some poetry from Lord Byron. yes I know I am probably the only one who does that in my age, and yes I know people thinks that is really dorky.
But I think that if you don't like, or understand or want to read the magic Byron, Yeats, More, Kipling, Blake and all my other favorites write.. well then.. well then I'm confused.
Sometimes I can feel so alone in what I like.
fredag 3 september 2010
thirtyfour days left
The only reason I chose 5th to 12th october is because of the New York Comic Con, which happens to be the biggest coolest thing I'v ever been to.
More and more fantastic guests are revealed, latest Bruce motherfucking Campbell! Feels like after that I can die happy.
But as comic book guest BIG stars are coming, Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, The Kubert Family, Adam Hughes, Mcniven, Brian M Bendis, Jeph loeb, George Perez and Ben Templesmith and lots more.. my oh my.
AND and.. as if that's not enough.. Katee Sackhoff from my no 2 favorite scifi series Battlestar Galactica! Can't wait..
Other than that I'm going with my two dear friends Zelda and Ricke and it's gonna be amazing.
This will be my fifth time to New York and I have a list on things we have to do cause for some reason I haven't already.
.Go to Boston (have to see the birthplace of Edgar Allan Poe)
.take a boatride around manhattan
.go to Liberty/Ellis Island
BTW. I was almost fucking jumped by 3 guys just now, man o man. never been that close. I turned around in the nick of time. Can't even walk my dog at night anymore
söndag 1 augusti 2010
Today I'm gonna watch Burton's Alice in wonderland. Can't believe me, such a huge Burton fan takes this long to do that. But after all bad stuff I heard about it my excitement just went away..but today is the day.
lördag 31 juli 2010

Man o man....We are stuck in the couch. don't think we're ever getting up.
torsdag 29 juli 2010
Me, Zelda, Ricke, Jossan and Calle went on a roadtrip to flea markets around Östergötland.
The first stop we made was at Fornåsa where I made such a jackpot in the book department!
My biggest joys in life is when (just wanna say first, I have a HUGE list of books I want on my fav book website and it just keeps getting longer and new prices are high when you want like 30 at a time) ... So, My biggest joys in life is when I fins one of these books in a second hand store or in a flea market. Specially when it's in English. Want to all my books on my list that are written my an English author in his/hers native language. What would Graham Greene or W. Somerset Maugham be in Swedish translation? butchered!
My point of all that was that today was a jackpot in that department! Found Henry Fielding's Tom Jones, Guy De Maupassant's Bel Ami, George Orwell's Animal Farm and W. Somerset Maugham's Of Human Bondage!
And all those books are on my Must-Buy, Must-Read lists and now I found them, inexpensive, old, worn out and wonderful.
I also found the autobiography o Charlie Chaplin, A joseph Conrad book, another Maugham, a Graham Greene one and the complete poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson.
Yes, I put everyone to sleep in the car when I showed my findings..
sometimes I am very lonely in my passions.
onsdag 28 juli 2010
Tyger Tyger, burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry?
I have been on the hunt for a complete collection of both his poems and artwork but it is easier said than done.
Blake was not very popular in his time, he criticized the Church and he was against enforced chastity and loveless marriages. He preached "free love" and he defended the right of self-fulfillment for women. He was according to some a forerunner of modern anarchism, so is his fellow English man Willam Godwin. Godwin is an author that recently caught my eye. He wrote a book in 1794 called "Things as they are; or The adventures of Caleb Williams" that I have just ordered and I am dying to read it! Godwin had just as Blake a controversial view on things, he is considered the first proponent of anarchism and was married to the famous feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. And is of course the father or Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft.
Other than my obsession of political English authors and poets I have 3 new ink-additions on my body. I have finally got an Favorite-author-tattoo! An Owl Sitting on a pile of six books and reading a seventh.
It was a real nuisance of picking out only seven.. But my final list was
Robert E. Howard
George Orwell
Howard P. Lovecraft
Robert Louis Stevenson
Oscar Wilde
Edgar Allen Ppoe
Arthur Conan Doyle
I had three more I sooo wanted on my pile, Bram Stoker, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Philip K. Dick
but the good thing there is room to pile some more books in the future.
in two weeks I'm getting Swamp Thing...woh! Always wanted that too.
The reason why I didn't get William Blake a spot in my book pile is that he is a poet and I want someday a whole poem of his tattooed in somewhere. And if I started with one poet I want all my favorite poets, Byron, Yeats, Kipling, Moore..and the list is endless.
To see a world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.
That's what I want
fredag 2 juli 2010
As it happens I just read a book that reminded me of Dexters personality alot, Graham Greenes classic Brighton Rock from 1938.
The main character Pinkie is a seventeen year old boy who after his boss gets killed takes over the mob and faces the harsch reality in the gangster world. The thing that connect Dexter and Pinkie is very distinct, the lack of emotions and the intimacy problems, neither Dexter nor Pinkie can be with a woman and do everything to avoid it. Dexter finally do it with his girlsfriend and Pinkie to but only because this girl is a witness and he marries her for the law that says that a wife can't testify against her own husband. So Dexter and pinkie have big differences to, Pinkie is vicious, confused and paranoid and Dexter is not. But still interesteing that I read that book at the same time I started watching Dexter and that scene where Dexter in his mind explains why he can't get close to a woman is almost the same as the scene with pinkie.'s a really great book! read it!
Coming as a movie in fall to, Helen Mirren are playing a part so I have high hopes! and I really hope they make pinkie as disturb he is in the book.. he has no feelings whatsoever for that girl and find her annoying and pathetic, he is sometimes even disgusted of her. Graham Greene, what a writer!

Stephen King here I come!
måndag 28 juni 2010
It's 7:15 here in Tranås, Sweden and I have never had a worse night, the sun got up at 4 and I slept in a room with ALL windoes so I couldn't escape it even though I built a wall of pillows around my face. The heat was excrutiating.
Well so I though, couldn't be a better morning to update my blog which has stand still for a while, almost forgot it!
My thoughts about start studying and moving from Sweden has been on my mind alot lately, cannot wait! that's how it feels, even though I'm moving from my best friend and roommate, my amazing dog, my mom whith whom I speak every day and my other friends I've been getting used to hang out with every but at the same time, I couldn't take another year not doing what I've been waiting for since I was about 20, 5 frakkin years! I've been wanting to study and specially in another country for as long as I have known you could. USA has always been no 1 in my interest book but the last few years London has stepped up it's game, close to home, a close friend lives there, starbucks on every corner, comic book shops and great vegan food. So my mind is set and soo happy about it! if I went with my intially plan to go to New York or Los Angeles I could go home what..? once, twice a year? now I'm 2 hors and a cheapish ticket with ryanair from home and that sounds just right.
tisdag 15 juni 2010
A fantasy series I've known about but never read is the one Nick Perumov wrote, Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword is the first one I'm starting at.
Tomorrow we head for Gothenburg, the festival West Coast Riot takes place on thursday, and I couldn't be more excited!
Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys And Bad Religion! man o man..
måndag 7 juni 2010
Start Privat
I am a baaaaaad loser. I know that.
Now I'm waiting for my friend Kristin, she lives in London and this spring I'm gonna apply to the same university as her! I'm sooo excited, Have been wanting to move to another country and start to study for 5 years. Just when my back-problem started for real. But now after 5 surgeries there's nothing more they can do so I just have live with this. And I'm fine with it, just happy to be able to study finally!
Well i just learned how to make vegan Danishs' so that's what Im gonna treat my guests to today :)
söndag 30 maj 2010
Dreams of a Nerd

lördag 29 maj 2010

I have honestly not listen to anything else but his music for the past months. I am practically in love with him.
And of course he died lilke 40 years before his time.
His Voice, his lyrics, his passion, his guitar playing and most of all his music.
So top 10 fav songs of Rory Gallagher
- Rue The Day
- The Cuckoo
- Barley and the Grape Rag
- Bullfrog Blues
- Moonchild
- Tattoo'd Lady
- Cradle Rock
- Goin' to my Hometown
- Lonesome Highway Refraining
- Loanshark Blues
Well if you haven't heard these songs..well to bad for you!
Yesterday was by far one of the best nights out, Zelda me and Ricke spent the night at Stoffes with Tommy, Axel and Henry. We played the Beer-game. And I had 2 non alcoholic beers! I have my enitre life HATED beers but it was quite ok, still it's so hard to swallow it's unbelievable! But maybe that's because I have never in my entire life drunk a whole beer :)
Started drawing a picture of me with my Heroes, i'm gonna make it into 4 different drawings:
Me with my SciFi Heroes
Me with my Actor Heroes
Me with my Musical Heroes
And me and my Comic Book Heroes
Starting with my Sci Fi heroes..gonna include, Spock, Kirk, Rod Serling, Malcolm Reynolds, Cpt Adama, Fox and Dana and maybe a couple more.
Started rewatching Curb Your Enthusiasm again. That Seinfeld and Arrested Development is the best comedy shows EVER and I have probably seen every episode like 15 times each. The absolut best to draw to!
Skepp Ohoj!
måndag 3 maj 2010
My journey from Mint to Marzipan

OK. I have since I was a kid, L O V E D all kinds of mint candy, my big favorites are
After Eight (ofc) and Junior Mints.
That we don't have in Sweden. So After 8 has always been my big love. But, It's very expensive so when I found That Ritter had a chocolate bar that was dark
chocolate and mint I was in heaven! I bought like one bar a day.

So, now I was at home with this stupid Marzipan chocolate and I ate it, At first I was like...yuuck! but after a couple of pieces (yes, I continued) I was surprised it wasn't more diguisting.
So I started buing that one since my minty one was M.I.A.

And day in april. My store stopped selling that one TOO!
and again I was lost.. and since I don't like anything and can't eat anything but I needed Something, and marzipan was on my mind..I searched. And found, since easter was just over, easter candy on sale.. and there I saw them.. Anthon Bergs Marzipan Eggs. I was like YUCK. I have always hated marxipan eggs..but my craving told me different and I bought them. I got home.. I talked to my roomie who Also hates marzipan so she understood my confusion about theese new feelings about it.
I started on an egg...And... I ... was...

So now.. I have a new love. Marzipan.
The ironic thing about this journey is that Anthon Berg is amongst the most expensive chocolate in a store.. so I'm actually spending more money on these wonderful eggs than I ever did on After Eight.
True Story!
onsdag 21 april 2010

lördag 17 april 2010

onsdag 31 mars 2010
Alfred Joseph
And everyone who knows me knows that one of my biggest loves in life are the movies of Alfred HItchcock.
I was thinking I wanted to do a top 5 favorite Hitchcock Movies list but then when I started google their cover pictures I realised I couldn't. It was for me virtually impossible to choose 5 movies out of the infinity of great movies he's made.. so I couldn't do anything else but to make a top 10. (and even that was hard let me tell you..)
So starting at no 10 and working my way up to my all time favorite Hitchcock and one of favorite movie all around too.

10. Stage Fright
09. Shadow of a Doubt

08. I confess
07. Psycho

06. Dial M for Murder
05. Rear Window

04.North By Northwest
03.Strangers on a Train

02. Rebecca
01. Rope
måndag 29 mars 2010
lördag 27 mars 2010
torsdag 25 mars 2010
Third from the Sun.

måndag 22 mars 2010
Sant Blod.
I have watched SO much tv-series/movies since the operation. I stretch watched through all episodes of Modern Family, (which is quite amazing!) started watching Numb3rs, continued on Fringe and Sons of Anarchy, Babylon 5 and last Supernatural, and that with my roomie. We love it, I know I've said it before but it's really like X-files JR.
An old friend of mine have just moved here to Norrköping with her boyfriend in a gorgeus apartment with her 2 ferrets and cat. So I am thrilled to get to hang out with her almost every day :)
I am REALLY looking forward to the new Tron movie. honestly, was a remake of the amazing 80's film TRON necessary? absolutely not. BUT now after watching the great trailers I am just blown away by my own pepp (whats a good english word for pepp? how excited I am?) and I usually Hate when a remake is done on an already perfect movie. like this one.
Saw Percy JAckson and the lightning thief the other day, and I have seen it twice now.. also a movie I really looked forward to. Loved the book! but the movie...what a dissappointment. honestly. they didn't follow the book at all I thought, WHY is Annabeth and Percy flirting and getting a crush on each other? she was in to Luke in the book. And the pearls.. He got them at the bottom of the sea from a relative and in the movie he goes out on a quest to find them? and have a map that shows their position. And why in the movie are Percy rebelling against his teachers and go on a quest to find his mother when in the boook the teachers give him that assignment! And biggest miss of all was...where the hoot were the Prophecy?? No...I was dissappointed. maybe if I hadn't read the book. It would have been different.
I am almost finished with Philip K. Dicks masterpiece Does Androids dream of electric sheep? and It is R e a l l y AMAZING! I love it. after I'm finished I'm gonna finish Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Yes I always read 3-5 books at the same time.. love it. but sometimes it takes me forever to finish one of them, because I always read the most from the one I like the most.
Oh hey. waiting for my roomie to come home so we can watch the new episode of Project Runway.
torsdag 11 mars 2010

söndag 28 februari 2010
top 5
So now I'm gonna make my top 5 movies from the 1930's
Modern Times, Dir. Charlie Chaplin (1936)
The absolut best Chaplin movie, a beautiful love saga between the blind flower girl and the tramp. He falls inlove with her and tries to help the poor girl and her family, through his rich new friend. I remember the first time I saw it and I was b l o w n away. such a beautiful story.
It Happened One Night, Dir. Frank Capra (1934)
One of the best directors of all time, if I ever feel down or sad or sick, his movies are perfect.. love all his movies. This one is my favorite Capra and it was through this movie I discovered Claudette Colbert. And Clark Gable is as always amazing and this part is no different. He playes an ambitious reporter that by mistake discovers a young socialite woman who's run away from her family who has just pulled her away from a marriage to a young aviator. She's gets on a greyhound bus to hide from Reporters who's looking for a scoop and her father's people who is trying to avoid it. On the bus she meets Clark Gable and he sees a potential goldmine in getting the exclusive story aboout her adventure back to her new husband, she agrees to it in return that he helps her stay hidden. But of course Clark Gables' character falls for her and... yeah well. It's a wonderful love story.
The Thin Man, W.S. Van Dyke (1934) The first time I saw this movie I laughed sooo hard, William Powell and Myrna Loy are so perfect as the famous hard drinking Private Detective Nick and his wife Nora. Based upon the famous books by the noir writing genius Dashiell Hammet (who also wrote The Maltese Falcon) you know a great mystery is a given. After 4 years away from the job Nick and Nora arrives in New York with their dog Asta and practically stumbles in to mysteries and murder. I just love these Thin Man movies, really. Few of the funnies movies I know! The book too are really entertaining. Simply, an all around feel good movie.
Bringing up Baby, Dir. Howard Hawks (1938)

Gone With the Wind, Dir. Victor Fleming (1939)

This next film is essential for my list, it was my absolut first fav movie when I was a kid.
I remember I was about ten or eleven years old and I had already seen it 3-4 times and I was to obssessed to own this movie on VHS (which was the only alternative in 1994) and we were a poor family so us children never just got everything we wanted, but one day I found a coupon in a magazine to buy Gone with the wind for 59 Skr (7-8 dollars) and I was SO unbelievable happy because that was about half what I got in allwowance a month. So I kept that coupon in my wallet for such a long time and finally I could buy it. Old movies have always been my favorites.. when I was nine and I first saw Wizard of OZ and Gone With the wind and now, when I'm 25 it's still 90% of all the movies I see are old classic ones. So I guess that's my Forte.
And yeah, about the movie! It is such a great story, I never read the book but someday I will, I'm really faccinated about the American civil war. It's just one of these movies I will never forget and will always love. A true classic.
lördag 27 februari 2010
Lieutenant Data

Me and my roomie are watching Supernatural, a real good series, like an X-files Jr!
Yesterday I was out for about an hour at a club... B a d Idea. One week after my back surgery I should have resting. But have been so bored so I really wanted to do something, 40 mins after I left I regreted my decision and went home :) but still fun to do something even though it was just an hour.´
Started to read from the Collection of Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard.
I love theese old horror/pulp fiction stories and can read the whole night if I could. Really looking forward to the movie that came last year, hope just it's half as good as the stories.
torsdag 25 februari 2010
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Three of my all time favorite authors who all wrote sci fi or weird fiction, also all died too young.
-Philip K. Dick genius Sci-fi writer, dies at age 53
-H.P Lovecraft genius horror/fantasy/weird fiction writer, dies at age 46
-Robert E. Howard genius Pulp/fantasy writer, dies at age 30
all too soon
Watching Fringe again..I just L o v e it, and love Olivia Dunham, she's the new Dana Scully!
Joshua Jackson is also frakin great in the series! and not to mention the man playing his father, Walter Bishop.
Gah. no wonder I can't turn it off.

The Cover art is SO amazing I look forward to it every week.
söndag 14 februari 2010
Now I'm almost ready for bed, have been drawing and watching some Twilight Zone and trying NOT to think about my operation in 3 days...hmm. BUt after thursday I will be a FOR real, CYBORG! That's the only cool thing about my stupid fifth back surgery.

tisdag 9 februari 2010

måndag 8 februari 2010
Caoineadh Cú Chulainn
Today I have spent the better day in front of the tv..
I have seen
4 episodes of Smallville
1 episode of Sons of Anarchy
3 episodes of Perry Mason
1 episode of Tales from the crypt
1 episode of Star Trek the Next Generation
I feel I have a wisdome tooth on the way, I blame my TVseries day on that.
I have read quite alot today to, as I always do. A lot of articles from around the world, and I got caught in the Taylor Swift debate.. my god. I have heard half a song from her, since she is not very big in Sweden.. and her music is so far from my taste as it goes. She seems very nice a person though. But hell.. a LITTLE overrated I must say.
The most interesting literature I've read today is about Celtic mythology which is always intriguing.
One of the things was about Dagda who's a god in Celtic mythology and are known as "the good god" and "the great father" and he was a leader fo the Tuatha Dé Danann. And the story of him has inspired me to a painting I'm planning on.
There are ALOT of new great things in the Vertigo Universe and I'm gonna list my Top 6.
- Greek Street
- The Unwritten
- The Great Fables Crossovers
- Northlanders
- Demo
- Sweet Tooth
These are (for me) new and I am so excited to start reading! Vertigo happens to be one of the greatest in comicbooks and the list of brilliance that have been spitting out from them are endless. Some of my alltime Vertigo favorites though, are:
- Hellblazer
- Fables
- Saga of the Swamp Thing
- Preacher
- Sandman (ofcorse)
- House of Mystery
- Transmetropolitan
- Y: The last man alive
- Death
Yeah. Vertigo Rules. But with B.P.R.D and Solomon Kane DArk Horse Comics aren't far behind. Neither are Wildstorm with Ex Machina and The Victorian Undead. And DC will always be number 1 because of....everything they ever done! (plus that they own wildstorm and vertigo) ok! I am a comic book nerd.
Time to sleep.